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Monday, June 1, 2015

1.19 describe the factors affecting vehicle stopping distance including speed, mass, road condition and reaction time

Thinking distance: the distance that the car travels whilst the driver reacts to the hazard by pressing                                    the brakes

Stopping distance: the distance that the car travels between the driver actually applying the brakes                                     and the car coming to a halt.

Overall stopping distance = thinking distance + stopping distance

Thinking distance is affected by:
  • concentration
  • alcohol/drugs
  • age

Braking distance is affected by:
  • tyre condition
  • road condition
  • weather (wet/icy)
  • condition of braes
  • speed
  • mass of car

If speed is doubled, the kinetic energy that needs to be transferred from vehicle to driver is quadrupled. In order for the vehicle to stop, all the energy must be transferred.

Kinetic energy formula = 1mv2

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